The Living Room Cardiff provides various substance misuse services across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, including:
1. Admitting we have a problem (the evidence is all around us)
Recognition of addiction as a problem
Gain insight into and confront denial
2. Recognising our need of help (that we can’t do it on our own)
Recognition of need and ability to change
Asking for help
Identifying and managing feelings appropriately
Identification of negative and self-defeating attitudes and behaviours
Choosing to develop new attitudes and behaviours
Establish hope
Begin self-worth building
Development of spirituality
3. Get to know ourselves – warts and all (fully comprehending our true condition)
Rigorous self-examination – life story (individual work, e.g. anger, shame, guilt, grief, control, transference of addiction)
Preparation for ‘cleaning house’ and letting go of ‘baggage’ (mini-groups: areas of change, how to change behaviours, options, family, social services)
4. Become risk takers – by becoming vulnerable and accepting our humanness (changing our behaviour patterns)
Deepen awareness of current stage of personal development – wellness plan
Identify personal blocks, self-defeating behaviours / beliefs / feelings
Prioritise changes to be made
Commit to specific changes
Implement changes
Monitor changes
5. Toughening up – and realising that we’re survivors and not victims (imposing positivity on ourselves and setting goals)
Monitor personal progress
Own mistakes and implement change
Continue to deepen awareness of personal assets
Set goals for personal development
Implement plan of action to fulfil personal potential
Relapse prevention assignments
Confirmation of aftercare plans and dates
6. Becoming “givers” instead of “takers” and carrying the message of hope to others (becoming recovery advocates)
Become role model for recovery within peer group
Become active member of chosen Fellowship/s if appropriate
Make positive contribution to wider community activities
Seek employment which makes social and financial contribution to wider society
Ability to manage independent living.
Living Room Cardiff also challenges the following assumptions: People with Addictions don’t recover
Those seeking treatment have too many problems to expect long term recovery
Recovery is distinct from treatment
Those with Mental illness and Addiction can only be addressed in acute care settings
That prevention only needs to happen before treatment
That treatment can only get better if you throw more money at it otherwise you can change very little.
All the services anyone would need meet a diagnostic code and can be billed for
The role of the professional is to direct the care and the client
Recovery is somehow going to undermine professionally driven Treatment
Recovery comes after treatment or one does not need treatment.
Treatment relationships are helping relationships
Treatment programmes exist apart from the community and can’t afford to do outreach
The only requirement for membership of Living Room Cardiff is that you say you’re in recovery or have an interest in recovery